We are all equipped to defeat our depression, anxiety and anger; however sometimes we get 'stuck' and need a counselling therapist to help us get 'unstuck'. It is possible to find self-therapy such as TEAM CBT therapy to help us get 'unstuck'. We need a therapy that we can take home, that we can take to work with us and into our relationships. We want a therapy with techniques we can apply to gain mastery over our thoughts. We want a therapy to help us push through any beliefs and attitudes that are stopping us from growing. Most of all, we need a therapy to stop the seemingly endless emotional pain and a therapist that can teach us how.
It is important that you learn that your thoughts create your emotions which in turn determine your behaviour. Using me, a CBT therapist, as a coach, awakens in you your own inner strength. Realizing that you can manage your own therapy using CBT techniques, empowers you the client. It gives you hope, light at the end of the tunnel of your distress.
You are reading this because you are in pain. Perhaps, I am the therapist for you? By turning to my counselling stories on my website at www.rdrdaviescounselling.com, you can discover how CBT therapy and its techniques can help clients who are stuck. You can become empowered to take charge and change your life.
What does TEAM CBT entail?
T stands for TESTING which means that I will test your negative emotions at the beginning and end of each session.
E stands for EMPATHY which means that I will attempt to feel your pain without getting pulled into your anger, sadness and fears. Still, you will feel ‘heard’, ‘validated’ because your feelings don’t lie. When you are ready and perhaps have finished telling your story. we will learn how our own thoughts can tell ourselves beliefs that are not all that accurate. We will check their truthfulness by using the list of cognitive distortions, common thinking errors we all make when we are overcome with emotion.
A stands for AGENDA. Together we decide what you might want to work on. If there are several areas, well, you choose which one you’d like to work on first before we tackle the others. The areas are generally bad habits/addictions, mood disorders, relationships and loss (career, a person, a pet, a place).
M stands for METHODS which means there are many different techniques to address different issues. There are lots of tools of therapy to use, not so much schools of therapy. TEAM CBT basically uses the approach of showing you how to change your thoughts. Change your thoughts and you change your emotions and hence, your behaviour. Nevertheless, TEAM CBT therapy has many of its own techniques besides those complementary ones from other therapies i.e. exposure therapy.